Andy Murray’s funniest One liners

Tennis-playing Scottish legend Andy Murray is seldom the first name that comes to mind when thinking of humor. But beneath that all too serious exterior, one can find a mind teeming with wit and a bone-dry sense of humor that has managed to drop some seriously funny lines over the years. Be it making them laugh at press conferences or hitting back with a quick, timely retort on social media, Murray’s one-liners were as memorable as his backhand. Now, check out some of the funniest Andy Murray moments, which really exemplify his underappreciated sense of humor. Let’s checkout some Andy Murray’s funniest one liners.

  1. On His Marriage Priorities:
    Just after his Wimbledon win in 2013, Andy Murray was asked how he would go into wedding planning. To this, he cheekily responded:

“Well, I think what’s at stake here is a little bit more important than, you know, a Wimbledon final.”

Classic Murray—the acknowledgment of his dedication to his tennis with a dash of wry, self-deprecating humor over the sport that has defined his life. You can almost see the twinkle in his eye as he delivers this one.

  1. His Take on Social Media:
    Murray’s a funny guy and his Twitter’s no different. One fan, who tried to gauge his next fixture from his Twitter feed, got this response:

“You can tell what time I’m playing by when I go silent on Twitter. 2 hours before my match I’m not allowed to tweet as my fingers cramp up!

Murray’s deadpan delivery, instinctive self-deprecation, laced with lovely warmth, make him a natural on social media, where he habitually provides glimpses of his offbeat personality to fans.

  1. Rivalries and Sibling Rivalry:
    While talking about how he had bumped against one rival or the other since childhood with his brother Jamie, an equally talented professional tennis player, Andy was asked if he could beat his brother in singles. To this Andy said:

“I think I’d beat him… probably. He’d disagree, though. Say I’d cheat.”

It is this kind of light-hearted joshing that reveals the closeness of the Murray brothers, despite the unforgiving competition that characterizes their working lives.

  1. Following the Win at the ATP Title in Vienna:
    Media interviews after matches can be predictable, but it takes Murray to liven up the proceedings. Having returned that year from a serious hand injury to win an ATP title in Vienna, one reporter asked him how that triumph felt. Replied a rather sardonic Murray:

“Relief is probably the best word that I would use after winning, and then the excitement comes afterwards. Well, if you ask me that in two days’ time, the excitement will come then. I am not sure what I am excited for, though.”

His deadpan delivery left the room in stitches–a perfect example of his ability to find humour even in the most high-pressure situations.

  1. On Being a New Dad:
    Asked how he was meeting the demands of being a new father while still competing at the highest level, there was no pause from Murray: “I’m just trying to survive. I’m doing okay. It’s definitely different when it’s your own child crying in the middle of the night!”

The honesty from Murray regarding the challenges of being a father, associated with a bit of his typically dry humour, made this one of his most relatable and endearing comments.

  1. On Being a Brit When Losing:
    Murray has often been asked about his dual identity as a Scot and a Brit, especially when it comes to his performances at Wimbledon. The following has been his quip after a loss:

“I’m Scottish when I lose and British when I win.”

Once again, a single line that has gone on to become a classic, embodying the transient love of perception that the media and fans so often indulge in with such scathing wit.

  1. On Expressing Himself Too Much on the Court:
    Murray is known for his on-court intensity and is often expressive in the manner of his play. When someone questioned him regarding his expressions on-court, he impulsively said:

“My face is just naturally miserable.”

This self-aware quip underlined that, more than anything, it is this ability of Murray to make fun of himself that has won fans over to his side.

  1. On Making a Return to Tennis After Hip Surgery:
    Murray’s return to the court after an extended recovery from hip surgery had been nothing short of heroic. But he didn’t lose his sense of humour on his way. As he talked about fighting back, he said:

“I wasn’t exactly raring to get back on the court after having a metal hip put in. But I figured it was either that or take up golf.”

By contrasting the intensity of tennis with the leisurely image of golf, Murray shows his knack for underplaying the gravity of his situation with a wry twist.

  1. On His Love for Dogs:
    Everybody knows how much Andy Murray loves dogs, especially his dear Border Terriers, Maggie May and Rusty. Interviewed when asked what it feels like to have his dogs along on tours, he said: “They don’t judge me when I lose, and they seem genuinely happy to see me, so they’re the best companions on tour.”

This warm, humorous comment shows the softer side of Murray, revealing the comfort he finds in his four-legged friends amidst the pressures of professional tennis.

  1. About His Intense Training Regime
    With his training known to be hardcore and his dedication absolute, once he commented on his fitness regime:

“I do a lot of fitness work—running, gym work—but my favourite exercise is lying down with my eyes closed, imagining I’m fitter than I am.”

Here, Murray’s self-deprecating humour shines through, showing that even one of the fittest athletes in the world doesn’t take himself too seriously.


Andy Murray may be renowned for his battling spirit and ferocious competitive instinct, as well as his special triumphs on the tennis court, but a sense of humor can not be taken from him. He has a very quick wit, and his dry one-liners have seen lots of fans laughing the night away, reminding everyone that, deep down, even the most intense competitors have their light side. Be it at his own expense, to his opponents, or the very core of the sport itself, Murray’s humour enhances the rest of an already highly distinguished career. So the next time you watch him hit a forehand on the court, just remember: behind that serious façade is a man who can deliver a punchline as well as he can deliver a forehand.

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